The Law office usually charges its fee on the basis of its agreement with the client with regard to the time and legal demanding character of the case.

Non-contractual fees

Provided there has been no contractual fee agreed the fee will be defined in accordance with the so called tariff value (the value of the issue represented). The tariff fees are regulated in the Provision § 6 to 12 of the Regulation of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Sb. on fees and remuneration of lawyers for the provision of legal services (the lawyer´s tariff). The non-contractual fee will be calculated according to the rate for one legal act of legal services provided and according to the number of legal acts in a particular case.

The contractual fees

  1. Time fee – the total fee is determined by the multiple of the hourly rate and the number of hours spent by the lawyer for performing the legal service in question.
  2. Lump fee – is determined by a fixed sum for the provision of the legal services in one or more issues or for the provision of legal services for the specified or non-specified time.
  3. Acts fee – is determined for one act of the legal service set in § 11 of the lawyer´s tariff.
  4. Participation fee – is determined in dependence on the result of the dispute. The fee is set by a fixed amount or a percentage from the claimed or recovered amount which belongs to the layer just in case of the success in the dispute.

The agreed fee does not include layer´s cash expenditures (namely court and other fees, travel costs, post expenditures, courier services and the like) and the reimbursement of the lost time.

For making your decision about the accomplishment of the legal service, do not hesitate to contact us either on phone or per e-mail. We will be glad to let you know its price after receiving sufficient information from your side.

Herewith, we inform our present and future clients that the Law office does not accept payments in cash.

For making your decision about the accomplishment of the legal service please contact us on phone +420 775 274 168 or per e-mail We will be glad to let you know its price after receiving sufficient information from your side.

Lawyer´s services

Legal services have been provided since 2012 in the following areas.

Law Office:
Pod Vinohradem 159/20,
147 00 Praha 4 - Braník

JUDr. Ing. Eva Daniela Cvik, Ph.D. et. Ph.D.

phone : +420 775 274 168